terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

What are some good lower body (hips, butt, thighs) exercises?

Buy Lower body exercises in our shop.

Question by Nikki: What are some good lower body (hips, butt, thighs) exercises? I need some really good butt and lower body exercises- I have a flat rear and wide hips, which makes it very difficult to find jeans that really fit me well. I just really need to tone my hip, butt, and thigh area. Anything helps- yoga poses, stretches, whatever works. Best answer:

Answer by ericakb5
do 30 minutes of cardio every day, in addition to squats and lunges which work well for building muscle and toning the lower body...

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Source: http://buyallonline.com/

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